Monday, April 14, 2014

Update on Ozzie

Ozzie is doing great. He has an appointment for his microchipping this week and then he will be all ready to be adopted by his forever home! He will be attending an adoption event in Tucson this Saturday to hopefully charm some people, which will not be hard at all. He loves attention and being petted!.
Ozzie on the first day when we came home with us
He loves the water-he enjoys trying to swim in the water bowl in the house as well

He likes to eat bones like this, and he occasionally will adopt the playbow and just stay there (not entirely sure why, but it's interesting to see)

Taking a nap after getting all clean (being clean didn't last too long what with all of the dust).

Everyone all clean!

Ozzie was not too impressed with the bath

Learning how to pose for the camera

Ozzie learning the finer points of posing for a photo from his foster siblings

Out for a hike-we even found a little creek for everyone to cool off in

Ozzie enjoys chasing flies. He will be out in the yard going in circles and at first I wasn't sure what he was doing, but then realized that he was tracking and chasing a fly! He also likes to chase birds and will stalk them before rushing as they fly safely away. Ozzie also enjoys playing with toys. We will be introducing him to the Tunnel and an Agility jump while he's here to see how he likes them. He has been introduced to the clicker and quickly caught on about what the sound meant. He's offering eye contact, nose touches, and is working on sit and down. Ozzie has also played a few puzzles and he enjoyed figuring them out. He has also gotten some studio experience (see here) and he did stellar. He loves racing around the yard and tussling with his foster siblings. This guy won't last very long in the rescue-someone is going to swoop him up quick!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Introducing Ozzie


Ozzie is a young guy who was found as a stray. He followed some people home and they thought they could keep him. They tried to find his home, but he didn't have a microchip, and no one claimed him. They took him to the shelter, but then returned to get him and they even got him all of his shots. However, he has no respect for other dog's space and no manners. He kept bothering the resident dogs and they were continuously segregated, because otherwise the resident dogs would attack him. The people decided to reach out to Arizona Cattle Dog Rescue to help Ozzie.

Ozzie is such a sweet guy with a misguided sense of affection. He loves people and loves being petted.
He wants to play with other dogs, but is too rambunctious. He doesn't listen to other dog's warnings nor calming signals. He has a lot of potential though.

Out for a walk with the foster siblings-Bella, Terra, & Kronos

He enjoys chewing antlers and Nylabones

Loving wading in the river!


This is funny-he chews for awhile with his little nubbin up in the air O.o

He's also shown himself to be a sock lover! He tried to steal my socks when I took them off.

As I get to know Ozzie, I'll share more about him, his quirks, and his life until he gets adopted (and then I'll share that too!). Follow along with his adventures if you would like! :)